PROCSEE: 2nd Call for Expert – Personal Learning Environments in PHE
The PROCSEE project aims at strengthening Professional Higher Education (PHE) in Central and South-Eastern Europe, through a collaborative evidence- and stakeholder- based approach.
Within its thematic scope, the project will:
- Engage in policy dialogue with stakeholders, to understand the main policy challenges which need to be addressed to accelerate change & innovation in the area
- Locate best-practice examples of policy-interventions, which have been shown to be effective in addressing the identified challenges
- Analyse the best-practice examples, with the help of thematic peer-learning expert groups, and identify those which are best suited to implementation in the CSEE region
- Work with stakeholders in each country, to design interventions at institutional level which will address the policy challenges, based on the implemented research
- Communicate the need and methodology for the interventions to relevant policy & decision-makers, and provide a monitoring framework for measuring the progress and impact of interventions
Theme 4 of the project will focus on the use of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) (personalised, flexible distance learning opportunities, delivered over the internet), and in particular their role in further education (both for purposes of re-training/requalification and enhancement of skills). The theme includes of the relation of PLEs with PHE vis-a-vis:
- methodologies to encourage modernisation (and digitisation) of teaching
- widening access to non-traditional groups
- increasing cooperation with graduates and businesses for post-graduation training of staff
- benefits, motives and methods for cooperation
The selected expert will help will identify national policy challenges in the area of speciality, and to propose solutions to these challenges based on best practice in the field. Specifically, the expert will be expected to:
- Participate in the last two annual 4-day policy forums on Professional Higher Excellence, which will be the main forum for discussion and exchange with other experts from across the continent
- Contribute towards the authoring of briefing papers for the last two policy-forums, and of conclusions from the all the 3 forums
- Participate in annual (half day) workshops at national level, aimed at connecting the work of the policy forums with national stakeholders
- Prepare three detailed case-studies (c. 1200 words each) of best-practice in the topic-area, for inclusion in the PROCSEE practice database, with the assistance of project coordinators and templates developed within the project.
Expert’s Profile
The selected expert must be able to demonstrate:
- experience in working with digital technologies in PHE, either at a policy, research or institutional-implementation level
- experiences in publishing and research activities on EU and/or national level of expertise, engagement with at least 3 conferences, those focused on the relevant topics would be preferred
- significant engagement in the international environment, demonstrated through participation in international conferences, projects, associations etc.
- good English language skills
Conditions & Application Process
Experts will be selected through an open call for applications. Selected experts will receive a gross honorarium of €2500 as well as travel expenses to the last two PHE Excellence Forums, attendance to which is a key part of the contract.
Experts interested in applying should send a CV (in Europass format) together with a cover letter to the following by November 18 2016.