Apprentice Track project


Apprenticeships at the Professional Higher Education (PHE) level provide students with opportunities to build up new skills and knowledge both on and off the job, while providing companies a reliable way to evaluate and shape potential future hires, while at the same time benefiting from new perspectives, which can only be offered, by students straight out of education. However, despite their clear advantages, apprenticeship systems are extremely challenging to manage, as the learning needs of students and the needs of specific enterprises are extremely difficult to match, particularly when organizations need to deal with massive amounts of students and, consequently, data. It is clear that robust and structured communication channels with both enterprises and students, defined management systems and clear evaluation protocols are necessary to manage such a complex process, but the lack of European guidelines and tools to support it seems to be preventing many of the actors in the sector to launch valuable, steady and sustainable Apprenticeship Programmes.

The project focuses on:

  • How best to organise and monitor student placements in the world of work, to ensure maximum benefit of dual
  • Education experiences to support transparent quality and relevance of students ‘knowledge and skills and better use of ICT.
  • How to ensure comparability and transparency of the electronic system data for apprenticeships to strengthening cooperation between employers and PHE institutions.
  • How to include the latest findings/guidelines on quality apprenticeships.


The selected expert will lead activities under Intellectual output 2 (IO2) – Technology Roadmap for Apprenticeship Management.


Specifically, the expert will be expected to:

  • Attend and cooperate in the International Meetings as follows:
  • 1st expert Meeting in Prague on 18th-19th October 2018.
  • 2nd Expert Meeting in Croatia in March 2019
  • 3rd Consortium Meeting in December 2019
  • Final Conference in August 2020
  • 2nd Multiplier event in August 2019

Except from the first event, all dates of events can differ due to possible changes during the project activities.

  • Attend project Virtual Meetings, if necessary
  • Leading activities under Intellectual output 2 (IO2) – Technology Roadmap for Apprenticeship Management.

The output consists of:

  • A detailed design concept for a tool to management apprenticeships between institutions, enterprises and students
  • A technical specification for such a tool, encompassing all meta-data specifications and ontological criteria which would be required to build it
  • A prototype of the tool, which could be implemented practically in institutions.

The Output will describe a tool in several modules, accordance to the application:

  • Identity layer
  • Apprenticeship design layer
  • Placement layer
  • Learning activities layer
  • Feedback & evaluation layer
  • Assessment & reporting layer
  • Credential layer


  • Knowledge of existing technology tools for managing and monitoring work processes of PHE
  • Professional experiences on ICT area
  • Knowledge of programing languages
  • Project dissemination experiences
  • Proficiency in English language
  • Experiences with meta-data specifications and bases
  • Insuring adequate capacity of infrastructure
  • Knowledge of national and EU legislation for protection of personal information

Conditions and Application Process

The expert will be selected through an open call for applications.

Estimated contract length is from October 2018 to the end of February 2020; 115 days at an approximate rate of 137 € per day, for a total maximum brutto budget of 15.755,00 €.

Experts interested in applying should send a CV together with a cover letter, indicating their experience in line with this call by 27th of September 2018.

Detailed information on the Apprentice Track project is available on the website www.skupnost-vss.si. For further information, please contact Jasmina Poličnik, responsible for this action at jasmina.policnik@skupnost-vss.si.