Project name: Strengthening Professional Higher Education and VET in Central & South Eastern Europe
Duration: until October 31, 2018
Budget: 448.685,00 €
The EC Communication on “Rethinking Education: Investing in Skills for Better socio-economic outcomes” highlights significant discrepancies between countries across Europe in their development of VET and PHE. It specifically points out that while some European countries have world-class VET and PHE systems (Germany, Austria, Denmark, etc), many others, typically in souther Europe, lag behind in terms of participation, quality outcomes and attractiveness.
In countries with developed PHE systems, professional education is characterised by dual systems which have a high proportion of work-based learning, apprenticeships and other models which facilitate transition from learning to work. The communication further points out that excellence in PHE comes from systematically renewed curricula, constantly modernised delivery, and, crucially active involvement of businesses, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
The link to the project is HERE:
The differences in development of PHE across Europe is due to differences in socio-cultural traditions and perceptions, diverse structures of education and training systems and of the economy and labour market, reforms undertaken, the extent of involvement of social partners as well as the employment prospects of PHE graduates, and the preferences of individuals. PRO-SEE will set up systematic structures for policy-recommendations and best-practice sharing, focusing on four specific areas:
- Alignment of VET with regional/local economic development strategies
- Promotion of VET, especially to respond to identified skill shortages
- Organising and monitoring student placements in the world of work
- Personal Learning Environments and Further Education
By bringing together leading actors in the field from across Europe, educational institutions & companies from SEE and European and Regional policy actors, the project will provide specific policy inputs on how to address these priorities in each participating country as well as across the region.